Get CONNECTED at The Gate! VISIT US on a Sunday Morning for church services. JOIN US at a Meet + Greet or Coffee Connect. FIND OUT MORE at our Membership Small Group!
Service Times
Our Sunday church services begins at 9am & 11am. Our main entrance is at the top of quite a few stairs, so either enjoy your morning trek up the stairs or you can enter through the Children’s Ministry entrance on the lower level and take the elevator up!
Meet & Greet
Once a month following service we have a visitors meet & greet! Join us for a few minutes over coffee and snacks to meet the pastoral team and elders.
If you are visiting with kids infant – 5th grade, park near the lower level entrance. You will enter through the double doors directly into the children’s department! The children’s ministry occupies the entire downstairs level. There is a welcome area where a greeter will assist you with checking in your children and directing you to their classrooms. Following service, parents need to bring the pick up tag received at check-in to your child’s classroom for pick-up.
Youth Group is at the 11am service only. Youth at The Gate, all 6th – 12th graders, begin in the main service with their parents. After worship the youth will be dismissed to their class which meets in the student center. Your teens can follow the herd and they will end up in the correct place! There are also signs in the hallways directing to the student center.
Don’t worry, we’d love to help you find where you are going or answer any questions you might have. There are greeters at the doors both upstairs and downstairs, lobby hosts by the welcome booth, and all of them are there for you! Ask any of them for assistance and they will gladly provide that for you.
A Church, A Ministry Center, A Movement
We are a vibrant local church that is committed to biblical teaching, fellowship, the sacraments, worship, prayer, and loving care for one another. We are also committed to loving our neighbors and caring for our city. We like to think of the wonderful community God has placed us in as our “parish” and we desire to proclaim the good news of Jesus through our words, our lives, and practical acts of service.
Additionally, our pastoral team intentionally and joyfully co-exists and co-labors with a number of local and trans-local para-church ministry partners for the purpose of equipping and training leaders. These strategic relationships help maximize our missional output for the Kingdom, and they form the framework for our ongoing call to be a ministry center.
The Gate is also part of an exciting movement. We are privileged to serve as the primary hub for Messenger Fellowship – a ministry network that covers and convenes leaders here in the USA and internationally. Even more importantly, The Gate, along with believers from around the world, is part of a lasting movement that began when Jesus called his first followers to the world-transforming project of “fishing for people”. And Jesus’ church is still on the move!
This ministry affirms the content of the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds and the Lausanne Covenant statement of faith.
- We worship one God in Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and Trinity in unity.
- The Bible is the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and it is the divinely inspired Word of God and our rule for faith and practice.
- Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Savior and Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross, was raised from the grave, and will return as our victorious Lord.
- Salvation comes only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and cannot be earned, but is a gift of God.
- Faith in Jesus requires repentance, confession of that faith before witnesses, and obedience to his word.
- Baptism by immersion demonstrates our faith and obedience, and depicts our union with Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection.
- Everyone who accepts Jesus Christ has the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit who acts as a comforter, guide, and advocate.
- The expression of the Holy Spirit’s charismatic gifts is present and active today.
- God gives ministries to both men and women through the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the body of Christ.
- The church, as the body of Christ, is the extension of Jesus Christ’s character, attitude, behavior, and mission in our world today.
- Prayer is the foundation for all we do, and the regular celebration of communion together is beneficial for all Christians.
The Gate is a company of Jesus-followers who exist to worship God and work with Jesus to transform lives through the Father’s love.
We have a passion to live as a Spirit-led, Word-based community, in which people can know God, develop relationships and fulfill their purpose.
Teaming together to transform more people, social groups, cities and nations by equipping Spirit-led communities and leaders around the world.
- Love
- Grace
- Humility
- Worship
- Forgiveness
- Obedience
- Relationship
- Faith
- Proclamation of the Gospel of the cross
- Community that reflects the Holy Trinity
- Encountering God’s presence through His Word & His Spirit
- Culture of Christ’s Lordship
- Intimacy with God
Worship and Prayer
Passionate worship and a lifestyle of prayer are important priorities when it comes attracting the presence of God. Scripture states that the Father actively seeks two kinds of people: worshipers (Jn. 4:23) and intercessors (Ezek. 22:30).
Making Disciples
A passion for Christ should translate into a passion to be like Christ. Our ministries seek to emphasize the priority of helping all who walk with us become like Jesus.
A Theology of Grace
An understanding of grace awakens us to our security in Christ, empowers us by his Spirit, and shapes our church structures. Where grace has shaped a church, reconciliation is easily achieved, and openness and forgiveness are experienced.
The Pursuit of the Holy Spirit’s Gifts
We desire to flow in the gifts of the Spirit in a way that is non-manipulative, is anchored to The Scriptures, and engenders a respect and honor for all the gifts within the body.
Communicating the Good News (Sharing Jesus)
While we value each person discovering their own unique gifts and calling from God, we seek first to instill that every believer’s primary call and ministry is to follow the example of Jesus by sharing the Good News and helping others find freedom in a relationship with God.
Teamwork in Leadership
A teamwork approach to leadership creates an environment in which everyone’s gifts and styles are honored, and people can feel genuine safety.
A Commitment to the Next Generation
The generational gap is one of the most harmful for it goes all the way back to our first parents’ rebellion against the Heavenly Father. Therefore, building bridges between parents and kids (Malachi 4:6), tending to our children and envisioning our youth are some of our top priorities.
The Pursuit of Unity in the City and Beyond
For The Gate, seeking unity means partnering with other churches and ministries to impact our city, building bridges between different church groups, and working towards reconciliation between races, generations, and men and women.
An ‘Apostolic’ Approach to Ministry
To think “apostolically” is to help all believers obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). A local church should not only be a nurturing environment, but also be a mobilizer of mission by sending people to distribute food to the poor, equipping people to minister like Jesus in the “marketplace”, or releasing them around the world to plant churches. A church committed to thinking this way will approach ministry holistically, both by impacting the arenas of our culture – business, government, the arts, education, the media – and by seeing all vocations as ministries.
Celebrating God’s Covenantal Promises
Believing that God is a maker and keeper of covenants, we seek to bless the nation of Israel, realizing that God is making Jew and Gentile “one new man in Christ”. In valuing God’s covenants, we expect to touch all the nations of the world, knowing that God is no respecter of persons.

We are a part of Messenger Fellowship. For more information on Messenger Fellowship please visit HERE.

Aaron Weaver
Executive Pastor

Trent Meng
Ministry Development Pastor

Scott Coats
Worship Pastor

Natalie Munden
Pastoral Care

Aimee Seidelman
Children’s Pastor

Rick Sexton
Youth Pastor

Rachel Weaver
Women’s Ministry Director
Candice King
Connections Director

Christine Sexton
Small Groups Pastor

Sign Up
If you are interested in getting to know The Gate more and join a Starting Gate group, please sign up on the link below! We will send you a confirmation email the week before our next Starting Gate.
Are you interested in serving with us?
We’d love to have you serve alongside us! Where do you have passion, interest, willingness to serve? Submit an interest form on the link below and we will contact you regarding your interest!
Requirements to Serve:
Completed Starting Gate (relationally we want to know you, and you know us!)
Anyone working with minors must pass a background check.
- Some roles require completion of our Leadership Workshop.
- Children’s Ministry has an application which must be completed HERE.